Public Realm Works

St Joseph’s Cemetery Extension


Galway City Council


Tobin Consulting Engineers


Rahoon, Galway City

Development of a 1.5-acre graveyard at Rahoon Cemetery in Galway City. The works involved the cut & fill excavation and screening of the soil to remove larger stones, installation of a drainage layer below the formation level of the graves and levelling of the screened material prior to setting out and developing the graveyard.

The graveyard was set out with concrete beams laid for the headstones, reinforced grass grid track laid for the excavator to open graves and construction of surface water drainage & macadam roads around the graveyard. The memorial garden was constructed in a low corner of the site and constructed using granite kerbs, granite paving and ornamental chippings.

Ancillary works involved traffic management, resurfacing the entrance & spine road through the existing graveyard, fencing, repair of boundary walls, construction of 85m2 steel framed machinery shed with RC walls and hard & soft landscaping works to the site including trees, shrubs, hedging & wildflowers.