Environmental & Sustainability

Environmental and Sustainability

The Conneely Group maintains independent certification that its environmental management system conforms to the requirements of ISO 14001: 2015. The Conneely Group environmental policy objectives form an integral part of the operating procedures in relation to our projects. Senior management together with all site staff continually strive to develop and enhance our policy objectives.

Sustainable construction is important for the Conneely Group and we are proud to have been the main contractor for the Portlaoise Train Drivers Facility Building which was the first Passivhaus Building for any Railway Company in the World.  It was also the first Certified Non Residential Passivhaus for State or Semi state sector in Ireland. Passivhaus principles developed with Sustainable Design principles and materials which will allow in the future for non-destructive deconstruction.

The Conneely Group were also the main contractor for two pilot schools which were constructed to Nearly Zero Energy Buildings in 2019 as a nationwide trial for Low-Energy Retrofit.

 Environmental Policy

As an environmental friendly company, we shall endeavour to

  • Have Zero Environmental accidents and Incidents for every project.
  • Ensure compliance with relevant environmental laws, regulations and other requirements, including the Environmental Protection Agency Act 1992 ,and the Waste Management Acts 1996 Revised Updated to 8th October 2021.
  • Adopt environmental friendly practices and controls that prevent and minimises pollution.
  • Minimise waste through reduction, reuse, and recycling.
  • Ensure prompt actions are taken to lessen the impact on the environment and its surroundings inadvertently caused by our The Conneely Group’s activities.
  • Ensure continuous improvement in our activities to prevent pollution of air, land and water.
  • Test all relevant elements of the project to ensure compliance through internal and external audits.