Flood &

Killeen Cutting Slope Remediation Works


Irish Rail


CDG Gavin & Doherty Geosolutions


Killeen, Killarney,  Co Kerry on the Mallow to Tralee Line

This Project involved Slope regrading works to both cuttings CTT190D & CTT191U located at 43 miles 440 yards to 43 miles 880 yards on the Mallow to Tralee Railway Line. Works involved 5,000m2 of vegetation clearance to the slopes and excavation of over 21,500 m3 of material between soil & rock.

All excavated material was transported to the landowner’s field and spread. As part of the works, an interceptor drain to depths of over 3m was installed to the back of slope and herringbone filter drain system on the face of the slope.

As most of the works were carried out at night tower lighting was placed at regular interval along the embankment to illuminate the works site. For day time hauling to the disposal location in the land owners adjacent field, a temporary access road and turning circle were constructed to provide dumpers with a level surface on which to travel.

Ennis Slope Remediation Works

Client: Irish Rail Consultants: Arup Consulting Location: 221/4MP on the Limerick – Ennis Railway Line Emergency remedial works were required consisting of re-grading existing embankments

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